
In bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), chromosome associations during meiosis are extremely regulated and initiate at the telomeres and subtelomeres, which are enriched in satellite DNA (satDNA). We present the study and characterization of the bread wheat satellitome to shed light on the molecular organization of wheat subtelomeres. Our results revealed that the 2.53% of bread wheat genome is composed by satDNA and subtelomeres are particularly enriched in such DNA sequences. Thirty-four satellite DNA (21 for the first time in this work) have been identified, analyzed and cytogenetically validated. Many of the satDNAs were specifically found at particular subtelomeric chromosome regions revealing the asymmetry in subtelomere organisation among the wheat subgenomes, which might play a role in proper homologous recognition and pairing during meiosis. An integrated physical map of the wheat satellitome was also constructed. To the best of our knowledge, our results show that the combination of both cytogenetics and genome research allowed the first comprehensive analysis of the wheat satellitome, shedding light on the complex wheat genome organization, especially on the polymorphic nature of subtelomeres and their putative implication in chromosome recognition and pairing during meiosis.

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