
Bread is a cereal product which provides essential nutrients to the body. Several fungi have been associated with bread spoilage yet bread fungi may offer some benefits. The studied aimed to assess the phytochemicals present in bread fungi and the antimicrobial effects of the fungal isolates. The fungi were isolated using the pour plate technique with Potato dextrose agar and Tryptone soya agar as the growth medium. The fungi were characterized and identified based on their morphological characteristics. The fungi, Aspergillus spp, Rhizopus spp, Fuasrium spp, Mucor spp, Alternaria spp, Tricothecium spp, Sporendonema spp Trichothecium spp and Clasdosporium spp. occurred most frequently in the bread sample. The fungal isolates contained phytochemicals such as alkaloids, tanins, saponins, phenolics, flavonoids and steroids, which reflects its ability to produce bioactive compounds which could serve both environmental and medicinal purposes. The trends of zone of bacteria inhibition for E,coli was penicillium spp< Aspergillus spp< Fuasrium spp< Rhizopus spp, for staphyloccus was penicillum spp< Fuasrium spp <Aspergillus spp etc.

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