
INTRODUCTION: Mild symptoms of envenoming by Phoneutria spiders are local pain, erythema, and edema. Systemic manifestations are uncommon and sequelae have been rarely reported in literature. OBJECTIVE: To describe the case of a young woman bitten by a Phoneutria spider on middle toe of left foot. CASE REPORT: The evaluation was described as a case of moderate complication with Raynaud phenomenon sequelae. The bite site became darker and pain, swelling, and cold sensation persisted for several days along with numbness and desquamation. The clinical examination of the patient also indicated poor circulation on middle toe. After four months from the accident, the wound healed, but the patient experienced persistent pain, which radiated to plantar area, and insistent abnormal blood flow (Raynaud phenomenon) as sequelae. CONCLUSION: This study brings light to sequelae of phoneutrism rarely reported in literature.

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