
Worldwide, traffic safety is a strong concern as traffic accidents are one of the leading causes of death. In this context, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles are traffic management measures aimed at improving road safety and flow. Automatic detection and recognition of traffic signs are important for intelligent vehicles and ADAS systems. This work proposes a pipeline of digital image processing (DIP) techniques, machine learning (ML), and temporal coherence to perform the detection and recognition of Brazilian traffic signs in videos aiming an application for real-time systems to help in traffic safety and to reduce the number of fatal accidents. We are mainly interested in recognizing signs of speed limit group, no overtaking and obligatory passage, thus our detection considers the traffic sign with a circular shape and red border. For detection, the red color segmentation and the Hough transform are used to find circular regions that will be classified through the SVM algorithm in sign and not sign. For recognition of these signs, the support vector machines (SVM) are used. For speed limit signs the thresholding and contours are used to segment the digits for later classification. Our proposed method achieved an accuracy of 0.82 in detection, an increase of 18% in the number of recognized frames and 0.96 in the recognition stage using temporal coherence.

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