
New processing technologies are gaining popularity worldwide due to several advantages related to food safety, shelf life extension, nutritional and sensory quality. However, consumers can be cautious of food products produced using these technologies. In this context, the objectives of the study were to explore consumers' spontaneous associations with fruit juices processed using different technologies, and to study the influence of food technology neophobia on those associations. A study with 423 Brazilian consumers was conducted to evaluate their perception of five types of juices (fresh juice, cold pressed juice, pasteurized juice, pressurized juice and non-pressurized juice) using word association. Participants also answered the Food Technology Neophobia Scale (FTNS) and a series of socio-demographic questions. Results showed that consumers' attitudes towards processing technologies were mainly defined by top-down processes. Fresh, cold pressed and non-pressurized juice were mainly associated with healthy and natural products, whereas concepts including references to processing technologies were associated with processed products and unhealthiness. Food technology neophobia moderated consumers' perceptions of juice processing technologies. Interestingly, consumers with high technology neophobia perceived juices processed by both conventional and innovative technologies more negatively than those with low or medium levels of neophobia.

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