
Vacuum force is an interesting low energy test for brane worlds due to its dependence on field's modes and its role in submillimeter gravity experiments. In this work, we generalize a previous model example: the scalar field vacuum force between two parallel plates lying in the brane of a Randall-Sundrum scenario extended by $p$ compact dimensions (RSII-$p$). Upon use of Green's function technique, for the massless scalar field, the 4D force is obtained from a zero mode while leading order corrections due to the noncompact dimension turn out attractive and depend on the separation between plates as ${l}^{\ensuremath{-}(6+p)}$. For the massive scalar field, a quasilocalized mode yields the 4D force with attractive corrections behaving like ${l}^{\ensuremath{-}(10+p)}$. Corrections are negligible with respect to 4D force for anti-de Sitter (${\mathrm{AdS}}_{(5+p)}$) radius much less than $\ensuremath{\sim}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}6}\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{m}$. In the massless case we also determined, numerically, the corrections due to compact dimensions. To avoid conflict with experimental data we get $R\ensuremath{\le}0.4\text{ }\text{ }\ensuremath{\mu}\mathrm{m}$, $0.3\text{ }\text{ }\ensuremath{\mu}\mathrm{m}$ for the cases $p=1$, 2, respectively. Although the $p=0$ case is not physically viable due to the different behavior in regard to localization for the massless scalar and electromagnetic fields it yields a useful comparison between the dimensional regularization and Green's function techniques as we describe in the discussion.

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