
We classify the non-supersymmetric, and perturbatively stable within D = 4, AdS vacua of maximal D = 4 supergravity with a dyonic ISO(7) gauging in a large sector of the supergravity. Seven such vacua are established within this sector, all of them giving rise to non-supersymmetric AdS4× S6 type IIA backgrounds with and without non-trivial warpings and with internal fluxes. Then, we analyse the dynamics of various probe Dp- branes in these backgrounds searching for potential brane-jet instabilities. In all these cases, such instabilities are absent. Finally, an alternative decay channel through tunnelling is investigated, focusing on one of the seven backgrounds. We do not find instabilities either, but the analysis remains inconclusive.


  • This follows from [7, 8], where the extrema of that gauged supergravity were scanned: all the non-supersymmetric extrema have Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations, contained within the N = 8 supergravity, with mass below the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound [9]

  • The table includes pointers to the literature indicating the references where each critical point was first found in the D = 4 N = 8 supergravity and uplifted to the resulting AdS4 × S6 type IIA solution, possibly recovering solutions like [33, 35] first found by other methods

  • The presence of internal fluxes in the non-supersymmetric solutions listed in table 1 might lead to BJ instabilities associated to Dp-brane probes with p > 0 wrapped on cycles of the internal S6

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D2-brane-jet stability

The non-supersymmetric type IIA AdS4 × S6 solutions of interest have been given on a case-by-case basis in the references indicated in table 1. The specific values that these constants attain at each of the specific solutions of table 1, namely, the corresponding D = 4 scalar vacuum expectation values (vevs), can be found in table 3 of appendix B. Along with these constants, the solutions depend on the R7 coordinates μI , I = 1, . We choose to put the probe parallel to the AdS4 boundary, i.e. along R1,2 , so that the worldvolume coordinates are ξi = xi , i = 0, 1, 2 In this case, and with the simplifying assumption (1.2), the D2-brane action that follows from (1.1) reads.

Solutions with G2 symmetry
Dp-brane-jet stability of the G2-invariant vacua
D4-brane wrapping internal two-cycles
D6-brane wrapping internal four-cycles
D8-brane wrapping S6
Numerical analysis
Uplifting formulae
C G2-invariant backgrounds: internal fluxes and WZ terms
D Geometric structures on S5 and S6
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