
In this chapter we will apply the ideas about matching the marketing management support system with the decision situation of the marketer by developing an MMSS that is tailor-made to a specific marketing function, that of a brand manager in fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). The brand management or product management system originated at Procter and Gamble in the 1920s and has become the dominant way of organizing the marketing function in FMCG companies (Buell 1975; Arnold 1992). The principal difference between the brand management system and the so-called functional organization of marketing is that in the former the different marketing functions for a product (i.e., product definition, pricing, advertising, sales promotion and distribution, and market research) are the responsibility of one and the same person: the brand manager, also called the product manager (Kotler 1997). Although no two products or markets are identical, all product managers use a common set of concepts, indicators, and ways of reasoning in carrying out their jobs. This makes it worthwhile to develop a system that can support everyone who fulfills the function of brand manager in FMCG markets.KeywordsMarket ShareProduct ManagerProduct ClassMarketing ProgramBrand AwarenessThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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