
Brand building has assumed great importance in modern times. This is especially true in case of automobile industry which maintains brands for various of its segment through brand personality perspective. Brand building primarily aims at making the brands of the company stronger by creating positive perceptions for them in customers’ mind by applying the various personality traits. It is the way to motivate customers to make an initial purchase of the brand and further ensuring sustained earnings for the company by making repeat purchases of the same. One may not be wrong in assuming that brand building alongwith customer delight and retention shall be the cornerstone of organizations future strategies in coming days. In this study the effort has been made to find out how the selected car majors of India viz. Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Hyundai Motors India Limited and Tata Motors Limited build their brands. In this regard, a structured questionnaire has been used and the personal interviews are conducted. To gather the views of brand/marketing managers of the selected organizations views has been gathered. Initially the most popular car model dominating the Car Market in India was the Ambassador, which however today gave way to numerous new models like Maruti, Fiat, Hyundai, BMW, and many others. Moreover, there are many other models of cars in the pipeline, to be launched in the car market in India. Toward achieving this end, marketing must respond to three key challenges: the ability to maintain superiority, the need for achieving returns with fewer resources, and finding way to manage the expanding complexity of today's customer touch points.

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