
Football attracts the attention of a number of researchers who study the management of football clubs and academies in different countries. The focus is on the managerial philosophy, goal setting, organization of the sports training process and others. An important element in the business management of football clubs is the use of marketing techniques - active communication, targeted promotional activities, the choice of communication constants to impose corporate identity and reputation. The purpose of this research was to examine the experience and operational capabilities of some football academies in Bulgaria in creating a corporate identity and establishing a football brand. The research tasks were related to: researching literary and documentary sources on the problem under study, conducting expert research with heads of football academies (14 people) in connection with the application of brand management as a form of brand management and enforcement, researching and analyzing the experience of PFC “Levski” in the policy of imposing the brand among the fans. As part of our work we used different research methods, such us: content analysis, survey method, with a strong expert focus and case studies. During the research we analyzed the promotional tools used by football academies, their policy to create a club identity, the importance of quality in the creation and supplying the service of teaching and the professional training of young players. A study of similar nature is a novelty for sports management practice in football. The conclusions and final recommendations can be used as a starting point in order to upgrade and diversify the forms of promotional policy of football academies.

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