
AbstractThe brand concept is the starting point of value creation and represents the essence of a product. However, research on loyalty factors has dealt with specific product features, such as performance and design, or brand image. Although the importance of the brand concept has long been debated in theory, it has been neglected in the practice of brand management. Therefore, this study tests the following hypothesis for Japanese personal computers and smartphones: “Consumers who recall the brand concept in terms of product attraction are more likely to have repurchase intention than consumers who recall the brand image.” Based on the results of an online survey in which users of the target products were asked about repurchase intention and the attractiveness of the products, the property score was applied; as a result, the hypothesis was supported. There are two possible reasons for this finding. First, the brand image is not monopolized by one brand, as expressed by general adjectives. On the other hand, the brand concept is unique and irreplaceable for a strong brand. Second, the brand image is the perception of superficial results from the experience of the product, while the brand concept refers to the essence of the product. Thus, the psychological barrier of the brand concept is higher than that of the brand image. To win consumer loyalty, it is important to establish a clear brand concept and promote it consistently.KeywordsBrand managementLoyaltyBrand conceptBrand imagePersonal computerSmartphone

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