
An understanding of consumer behavior based on the traditional Western nuclear family (husband, wife and unmarried children) model is not enough to handle marketing on a global scale or to interpret changes at home. The number of other factors influence purchase and who they are can vary as can the type of decision making, which may be allocable, stressing individual responsibility. This article re-examines our basic assumptions and then considers marketing under alternative family scenarios extended families, further familial shrinkage, and more participatory decision-making. Past research has presented conflicting evidence regarding the effect of time between purchases on consumer brand choice. This study investigates the time effect on brand purchase probabilities after homogenizing the data with respect to store switching, size of purchase, and frequency of the product purchase. Two exponential models have been proposed and their over-all effectiveness compared with a naive model. The contribution of the study is in building a realistic model of consumer purchase choice by incorporating the elements of the marketing environment. The project was given to determine the process of brand choice decision in Indian urban families. Research on family decision making has been largely confined to spouses, who have been considered as the relevant decision making unit in a family. However, the role of third party influences, such its children, on decision making strategies and negotiations is essential to taking a broader view of the relevant unit of analysis. Traditionally, women were seen to be the purchasing agents for the family. Nonetheless, increasing participation of women in the workforce has prompted a shift in this role as children are increasingly the “buyers” for the entire family. Corporate branding is a potentially strong tool for re-aligning a corporate strategy and ensures that the corporationbig or small is leveraging adequately on the untapped internal and external resources. From the research, I come across several interesting results about the brand choice decision in Indian urban families which include different sectors like FMCG, FMCD automobiles etc, about people’s perception and different strategies followed by different organization to promote their products and services. From the analysis, it is found that most of the families are in favor of the branded products and strongly believe in Customer Relationship management.

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