
We present a closed formula for the branching coefficients of an embedding p in g of two finite-dimensional semi-simple Lie algebras. The formula is based on the untwisted affine extension of p. It leads to an alternative proof of a simple algorithm for the computation of branching rules which is an analog of the Racah-Speiser algorithm for tensor products. We present some simple applications and describe how integral representations for branching coefficients can be obtained. In the last part we comment on the relation of our approach to the theory of NIM-reps of the fusion rings of WZW models with chiral algebra g_k. In fact, it turns out that for these models each embedding p in g induces a NIM-rep at level k to infinity. In cases where these NIM-reps can be be extended to finite level, we obtain a Verlinde-like formula for branching coefficients.

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