
Research on methamphetamine (MA) toxicity primarily focuses on the possibility that some of the behavioural problems in human MA users might be caused by damage to brain dopamine neurones. However, animal data also indicate that MA can damage brain serotonin neurones, and it has been suggested that cognitive problems and aggression in MA users might be explained by serotonergic damage. As information on the brain serotonin system in human MA users is fragmentary, our objective was to determine whether protein levels of serotonin transporter (SERT), a key marker of serotonin neurones, are decreased in brain of chronic MA users. SERT immunoreactivity was measured using an immunoblotting procedure in autopsied brain of 16 chronic MA users testing positive for the drug in blood and brain and matched controls. SERT levels were non-significantly decreased (-14% to -33%) in caudate, putamen and thalamus (normal in hippocampus), and, unlike the robust striatal dopamine reduction, there was marked overlap between control and MA user ranges. Concentrations of SERT were significantly decreased (-23% to -39%) in orbitofrontal and occipital cortices (normal in frontopolar and temporal cortices). Our data suggest that MA might modestly damage brain serotonin neurones and/or inhibit SERT protein expression, with cerebral cortex being more affected than sub-cortical regions. The SERT reduction in orbitofrontal cortex complements other data suggesting involvement of this area in MA-related behaviour. Decreased brain SERT could also be related to the clinical finding that treatment with a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor might increase relapse to MA.

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