
The brain-computer interface (BCI) has recently provided a potential means for individuals with the least movement to control a computer utilizing their brain waves, with no motor output needed. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is generally utilized by individuals with severe physical and speech disabilities and is one of the primary application fields for BCI technologies. The main objective of this study is to examine students’ brain parameters such as attention, concentration, and the energy of several brain waves using Augmentative and Alternative Communication-based Visual Interactive Paradigm (AAC-VIP) based on BCI in education systems. Particular emphasis is placed on integrating AAC into daily school life to foster every student’s access to and participation in the education curriculum. The effectiveness of the support plans has been assessed via behavioral observations and team interviews. The experimental findings demonstrate that the proposed model allows the completion of communication, with the highest interaction rate of 97.66%. It can be utilized in the classrooms to enhance the educative way of people with intellectual disabilities.

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