
Concentrations of dopamine (DA) analogues were determined in rat brain regions and serum after peripheral administration of the drugs. The time course of the concentrations of four N,N-dialkylated DA derivatives is reported in relation to the simultaneously measured effects on DA metabolism. Maximum brain concentrations were reached at about 10 min after injection, followed by a rapid elimination of the parent compounds. O-Methylation was found to be of major importance in this early disappearance. The 3-O-methyl metabolite of N,N-dipropyl-DA (DiPr-DA) was very rapidly formed and was eliminated much more slowly than the parent compound. Inhibition of O-methylation as well as subcutaneous, instead of intraperitoneal (ip), administration resulted in higher brain and serum levels of DiPr-DA. Brain concentrations of 11 DA analogues were determined 10 min after ip injection and were compared with their octanol/water (pH 7.4) partition coefficients. Within one group of compounds with a similar metabolic profile the brain concentrations and partition coefficients showed a good correlation.

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