
Cognitive brain science is a new, modern, young multidisciplinary and multi-paradigm scientific platform involving nuclear medicine, neuroscience, neurophysiology, neuroendocrinology, neuroimmunology, etc., through the prism of fundamentally applied algorithms/tools/technologies for pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. Cognitive brain science and longevity Homo sapiens: energy, quantum, biophysical and biochemical loss of cognitive brain controllability of aging processes. Circadian, electromagnetic, and nutriciological aging is the energy, quantum, biophysical, and biochemical loss of cognitive brain controllability of chronobiological processes associated with age-associated diseases (syndromes, symptoms). A new author’s multidisciplinary and multi-paradigm platform has been formed, through the prism of fundamental applied algorithms/tools/technologies for the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this neurodegeneration (Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia), which allows you to strategically simulate and predict the time (age) of onset of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease. Homo sapiens: cognitive brains are biological, biophysical, neurophysiological, and medico-social information exchange paradigms. The achievement of research Romanchuk N. P. is the establishment of many genetic and epigenetic factors of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. Modern technologies of nuclear medicine make it possible to restore the structural-functional cognitive brain.

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