
Recent fMRI studies indicate that the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) and the mirror system are involved in analyzing goal-directed actions performed by non-human objects. However, these studies have some limitations: the animations showed moving shapes that resemble humans and human movement, or showed the interaction of two moving shapes rather than one alone. This may have prompted participants to assume a human agent instead of an object. To avoid this potential confound, in this study, animations showed a small circular shape (agent) jumping toward a bigger circular shape (goal) with an obstacle separating them. We manipulated agency of the small circular shape by showing its movements as self-propelled (Agent condition) or as launched by a lever mechanism (Non-agent condition). The small shape succeeded in avoiding an obstacle and reaching the goal object or failed to do so. Our results showed that goal-directed actions performed by an agentic shape recruited the mirror system (the inferior parietal lobe and the premotor cortex) in comparison with shapes that were launched. Success or failure to avoid the obstacle had no effect on these areas. These results complement and further extend previous findings indicating that the mirror system does not appear to be selective for biological actions and their goals, nor does it require the presence of a human, human body parts or human-made objects. Instead, it seems to play a general role in representing goal-directed actions of agents regardless of their form.

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