
Unitary braiding operators can be used as robust entangling quantum gates. We introduce a solution-generating technique to solve the (d,m,l)-generalized Yang-Baxter equation, for m/2≤l≤m, which allows to systematically construct such braiding operators. This is achieved by using partition algebras, a generalization of the Temperley-Lieb algebra encountered in statistical mechanics. We obtain families of unitary and non-unitary braiding operators that generate the full braid group. Explicit examples are given for a 2-, 3-, and 4-qubit system, including the classification of the entangled states generated by these operators based on Stochastic Local Operations and Classical Communication.


  • This is achieved by using partition algebras, a generalization of the Temperley-Lieb algebra encountered in statistical mechanics

  • We study the Stochastic Local Operations and Classical Communication (SLOCC) classes of entangled states generated by these matrices

  • We review the notion of set partitions and partition algebras following [29]

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Set partitions and partition algebras

We review the notion of set partitions and partition algebras following [29]. We present just the bare minimum needed in this work, pointing the reader to that reference for more details. As an example consider the following diagram showing the partition of a set with k = 7, this represents the set partition {{1, 3, 5, 4 , 5 } , {2, 3 } , {4, 6, 7, 6 } , {1 , 2 } , {7 }}. D1 ◦ d2, place d1 above d2 and trace the lines to obtain the new partition. Using these diagrams one can verify that the i i+1i+2 pi pi+. Linear combinations of elements of Ak with coefficients being complex numbers form the partition algebra CAk(1)

Equivalence classes of R-matrices and SLOCC classes
Generalized R-matrices
Algorithm for multi-qubit generalized R-matrices
Comparison with known generalized R-matrices
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