
1. Tales of a Dark Winter: A Play in Three Acts: What could happen in a bioterrorist smallpox attack 2. Three Wake-up calls (And Some Near Misses): Bioterrorist incidents in the US and elsewhere: Rajneeshees Aum Shinrikyo 2001 postal anthrax attacks Minnesota Patriots council Larry Wayne Harris 3. Agents of Terror: The CDC list of bioterrorism pathogens (for anthrax, smallpox, plague, tularemia, botulism, Ebola). How they work, what we can do to protect ourselves 4. Genetically Modified Pathogens 5. The Ultimate Bioterrorist Mother Nature!: 1918 influenza pandemic SARS H5N1 6. The Very Food on Your Plate (And the Water in Your Glass): Agroterrorism (livestock, crops) protecting our water supply 7. America Reacts: The Anti-Terrorism Acts of 1989, 1996, and 2002 the Strategic National Stockpile the Bioshield and Biowatch Programs progress to date the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza. 8. Political, Legal, and Social Issues in A National Health Emergency: Social, legal, and civil rights issues surrounding major catastrophic events quarantine, mandatory vaccinations the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. 9. The Politics of Bioterrorism in America 10. Assessing the Threat: Why virtually all bioterrorism attacks to date have failed what it would take to succeed. Who could do it?

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