
We find solutions of the bosonic sector of gauged N = 4, D = 4 SU(2) × SU(2) supergravity, which represent dilaton black holes with toroidal or spherical event horizons. The axion is consistently truncated, and the gauge group is broken to U(1) × U(1). The spherical black holes carry two electric and two magnetic abelian charges, whereas the toroidal holes have vanishing magnetic charges. The space-time metrics are warped products, and the manifolds turn out to be globally hyperbolic, in contrast to standard gauged supergravity ground states. It is shown that in the toroidal case, there are solutions preserving one quarter or one half of the supersymmetries, while for spherical topologies all supersymmetries are broken. In general, the toroidal BPS states represent naked singularities, but there is also a supersymmetric black hole with vanishing Hawking temperature. The 1 2 supersymmetric case arises for vanishing charges and mass, and represents the known domain wall solution of the Freedman-Schwarz model. It provides the background in which the black holes live. Finally, we use Chamseddine's and Volkov's Kaluza-Klein interpretation of gauged N = 4, D = 4 SU(2) × SU(2) supergravity to lift our solutions to ten and eleven dimensions and to consider them as solutions to the leading order equations of motion of the string/M-theory effective action.

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