
Let N be a nilpotent matrix and consider vector fields x˙=Nx+v(x) in normal form. Then v is equivariant under the flow eN⁎t for the inner product normal form or eMt for the sl2 normal form. These vector equivariants can be found by finding the scalar invariants for the Jordan blocks in N⁎ or M; taking the box product of these to obtain the invariants for N⁎ or M itself; and then boosting the invariants to equivariants by another box product. These methods, developed by Murdock and Sanders in 2007, are here given a self-contained exposition with new foundations and new algorithms yielding improved (simpler) Stanley decompositions for the invariants and equivariants. Ideas used include transvectants (from classical invariant theory), Stanley decompositions (from commutative algebra), and integer cones (from integer programming). This approach can be extended to covariants of sl2k for k>1, known as SLOCC in quantum computing.

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