
To analyze the effect of bowel preparation prior to transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) examination on the detection of bowel involvement and the description of rectosigmoid nodules of deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE), and to evaluate patient tolerance of bowel preparation. This was a prospective study of paired data obtained between September 2015 and March 2016 from a cohort of women referred, on suspicion of DIE but without surgical criteria, to the endometriosis unit of a tertiary university hospital. In all patients, the wall of the rectum and lower sigmoid colon was evaluated by two TVS examinations: the first was performed without bowel preparation and the second was done after the patient had followed a 3-day low-residue diet and received two 250-mL enemas, one the night before TVS and the second 1-3 h before the examination. The presence of adhesions, number and size of rectosigmoid nodules, deepest layer of the rectum affected, percentage of the circumference of the bowel affected and distance from the most caudal part of the bowel nodule to the anal verge were determined. Patient tolerance to bowel preparation was assessed using a 5-point Likert scale, in which 1 represented 'very well tolerated' and 5 represented 'very poorly tolerated'. The mean ± SD age of the 110 patients included in the study was 36.8 ± 5.07 years. As many as 55% of those identified during the first examination (TVS alone) as having adhesions were identified at the second examination (TVS with prior bowel preparation) as having rectosigmoid nodules, and 22 additional nodules were observed on TVS following bowel preparation. These newly detected rectosigmoid nodules, initially assessed mainly as adhesions, were smaller and more superficial compared with the nodules detected on TVS alone, or located in the anterior sigmoid wall. Patient tolerance overall to bowel preparation scored a mean of 1.81 on the 5-point Likert scale. Bowel preparation is well tolerated by patients. When bowel preparation is performed before TVS, the detection of small and superficial nodules and those in the anterior sigmoid wall is improved, allowing more detailed description of these nodules in patients with suspected endometriosis. Copyright © 2020 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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