
SUMMARY Bovine T-cell lines reactive with Brucella abortus were established by repeated stimulation with B abortus and mitomycin C-treated autologous antigen-presenting cells. Representative results were obtained, using 33 cell lines from 14 cows. Cultures responded to the virulent laboratory strain 2308, the vaccine strain 19, and the rough mutant strain RB51 in thymidine-incorporation assays. The cells in these cultures required antigen-presenting cells for their response to B abortus. Autologous antigen-presenting cells were optimal for most lines tested, although some T-cell lines could respond to B abortus in the presence of some, but not all, allogeneic antigen-presenting cells. The cell lines expressed cell surface markers characteristics of activated bovine T cells. Of the cell lines tested for expression of cluster-determinant (CD) 4 and CD8 cell surface antigens, no cells in any cultures expressed the bovine CD8 equivalent, but all cultures included CD4+ cells in variable amounts. Some cell lines consisted of up to 50% CD2+CD4-CD8- cells. None of the cell lines tested expressed surface immunoglobulin or other bovine B-cell markers. Thus, these long-term cell lines appear to include 2 T-lymphocyte subsets: the helper/inducer subset and a second subset expressing a phenotype similar to major histocompatibility complex-unrestricted cytolytic cells in other species.

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