
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a three-dimensional set of proteins that binds tissues and defines their biomechanical properties. Among the ECM components known to be involved in beef sensory qualities, authors have often studied fibrillar collagens but also, although less often, proteoglycans and some glycoproteins. The ECM contains many other proteins. Our hypothesis is that to deepen the role of ECM proteins in beef qualities and to identify new ones among the vast amount of data generated by high throughput methods, it is necessary to have a list of proteins of this matrix to refer to for the bovine species. We have therefore defined the Bos taurus matrisome known as the set of genes encoding ECM (core matrisome proteins and matrisome-associated proteins). We have used orthology, as a reference method, and a bioinformatic approach based on a computational pipeline previously published for Homo sapiens, Mus musculus and Danio rerio for the definition of their respective matrisome. We have reported here that the Bos taurus matrisome is composed of 1022 genes that we have classified according to the different matrisome categories. This list is the only matrisome of a livestock species to be defined to date. SignificanceIn this study, we provide the first definition of matrisome of a livestock species, the Bos taurus. We believe that the Bos taurus matrisome will be of great interest for several reasons. It comes as a complement to the matrisomes of several other species such as Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Danio rerio, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorabditis elegans previously defined by other authors. It could be used to identify matrisome molecules among the vast amount of data generated by the high throughput methods. It thus can be used in addition to the other matrisomes as a model by the scientific community to study cell behavior and mechanotransduction and could lead to the identification of novel biomarkers for several diseases and cancers in which ECM is involved. Moreover, in the domain of studies on livestock, the dataset that we have provided here can be used in the context of product quality studies, especially meat quality, but also, for example, for lactation studies.

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