
This paper considers “black box groups,” i.e., finite groups whose elements are uniquely encoded by strings of uniform length, with group operations being performed by a group oracleB. Let G, H be such groups, each given by a list of generators. It is known that the problem of membership in G belongs to ${\text{NP}}^B $ [L. Babai and E. Szemeredi, Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Symposium on the Foundation of Computer Science, 1984, pp. 229–240]. The following problems are shown to belong to the complexity class ${\text{AM}}^B $; i.e., they possess bounded-round randomized interactive proofs (Arthur–Merlin protocols): nonmembership in G, the verification of the order of G, isomorphism of G and H, and checking the list of composition factors of G. A group oracle B is constructed, under which none of these problems belongs to ${\text{NP}}^B $, even for abelian groups.All the results extend to “black box factor groups,” i.e., groups defined as factor groups $G/N$, where G is a black box group, $N \triangleleft ...

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