
Bounded model checking (BMC) is an attractive alternative to symbolic model checking, since it often allows a more efficient verification. The idea of BMC is to reduce the model checking problem to a satisfiability problem of the underlying base logic, so that sophisticated decision procedures can be utilized to check the resulting formula. We present a new approach to BMC that extends current methods in three ways: First, instead of a reduction to propositional logic which restricts BMC to finite state systems, we focus on infinite state systems and therefore consider more powerful, yet decidable base logics. Second, instead of directly unwinding temporal logic formulas, we use special translations to ?-automata that take into account the temporal logic hierarchy and maintain safety and liveness properties. Third, we employ both global and local model checking procedures to take advantage of the different types of specifications that can be handled by these techniques. Based on three-valued logic, our bounded model checking procedures may either prove or disprove a specification, or they may explicitly state that no information has been obtained due to insufficient bounds.

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