
Objectives: The boundary element method (BEM) approximates the different compartments of volume conductor models by closed triangle meshes with a limited number of nodes. The shielding effect of the weakly conducting skull layer of the human head leads to decreasing potential gradients from the inside to the outside. Thus, there may be an optimum distribution of nodes to the compartments for a given number of nodes corresponding to a fixed computational effort, resulting in improved accuracy as compared to standard uniform distributions. Methods: Spherical and realistically shaped surfaces are approximated by 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 nodes, each leading to BEM models with 1500–9000 nodes in total. Electrodes are placed on extended 10/20-system positions. Potential distributions of test-dipoles at 4000 random positions within the innermost compartment are calculated. Dipoles are then fitted using 192 different models to find the optimum node distribution. Results: Fitted dipole positions for all BEM models are evaluated to show the dependency of the averaged and maximum localization errors on their node distributions. Dipoles close to the innermost boundary exhibit the largest localization errors, which mainly depend on the refinement of this compartment's triangle mesh. Conclusions: More than 500 nodes per compartment are needed for reliable BEM models. For a state-of-the-art model consisting of 6000 nodes overall, the best model consists of 3000, 2000, and 1000 nodes from the inside to the outside.

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