
Semi-infinite $d$-dimensional systems with an $m$-axial bulk Lifshitz point are considered whose ($d-1$)-dimensional surface hyper-plane is oriented perpendicular to one of the $m$ modulation axes. An $n$-component $\phi^4$ field theory describing the bulk and boundary critical behaviour when (i) the Hamiltonian can be taken to have O(n) symmetry and (ii) spatial anisotropies breaking its Euclidean symmetry in the $m$-dimensional coordinate subspace of potential modulation directions may be ignored is investigated. The long-distance behaviour at the ordinary surface transition is mapped onto a field theory with the boundary conditions that both the order parameter $\bm{\phi}$ and its normal derivative $\partial_n\bm{\phi}$ vanish at the surface plane. The boundary-operator expansion is utilized to study the short-distance behaviour of $\bm{\phi}$ near the surface. Its leading contribution is found to be controlled by the boundary operator $\partial_n^2\bm{\phi}$. The field theory is renormalized for dimensions $d$ below the upper critical dimension $d^*(m)=4+m/2$, with a corresponding surface source term $\propto \partial_n^2\bm{\phi}$ added. The anomalous dimension of this boundary operator is computed to first order in $\epsilon=d^*-d$. The result is used in conjunction with scaling laws to estimate the value of the single independent surface critical exponent $\beta_{\mathrm{L}1}^{(\mathrm{ord},\perp)}$ for $d=3$. Our estimate for the case $m=n=1$ of a uniaxial Lifshitz point in Ising systems is in reasonable agreement with published Monte Carlo results.

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