
Existing ${}^{10}$Be($d$,$t$)${}^{9}$Be neutron pickup data are analyzed using the same bound-state form factors for the ${\ensuremath{\langle}}^{10}\mathrm{Be}{|}^{9}\mathrm{Be}+n\ensuremath{\rangle}$ overlap as in a recent analysis of single-neutron knockout [Grinyer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 162502 (2011)]. While the knockout data were well described by a bound-state form factor calculated using the variational Monte Carlo (VMC) technique, including an appropriate neutron binding potential, the ${}^{10}$Be($d$,$t$)${}^{9}$Be pickup data are significantly overpredicted using this form factor. In addition, the no-core shell model (NCSM) and VMC form factors yield the same calculated pickup cross sections whereas the knockout results using these form factors differed by 20$%$. We explore possible sources of ambiguity in the pickup calculations that affect our ability to compare the absolute magnitudes in cross sections between these two very different reactions.

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