
Vector ($\Upsilon$) and pseudoscalar ($\eta_b$) bottonium ground states are studied at finite temperature in the framework of thermal Hilbert moment QCD sum rules. The mass, the onset of perturbative QCD in the complex squared energy plane, $s_0$, the leptonic decay constant, and the total width are determined as a function of the temperature. Results in both channels show very little temperature dependence of the mass and of $s_0$, in line with expectations. However, the width and the leptonic decay constant exhibit a very strong $T$-dependence. The former increases with increasing temperature, as in the case of light- and heavy-light-quark systems, but close to the critical temperature, $T_c$, and for $T/T_c \simeq 0.9$ it drops dramatically approaching its value at T=0, as obtained recently in this framework for charmonium states. The leptonic decay constant is basically a monotonically increasing function of the temperature, also as obtained in the charmonium channel . These results are interpreted as the survival of these bottonium states above $T_c$, in line with lattice QCD results.

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