
We investigate models of a heavy neutral gauge boson Z' which could explain anomalies in B meson decays reported by the LHCb experiment. In these models, the Z' boson couples mostly to third generation fermions. We show that bottom quarks arising from gluon splitting can fuse into Z' as an essential production mechanism at the LHC, thereby allowing to probe these models. The study is performed within a generic framework for explaining the B anomalies that can be accommodated in well motivated models. The flavor violating b s coupling associated with Z' in such models produces lower bound on the production cross-section which gives rise to a cross-section range for such scenarios for the LHC to probe. Results are presented in Z' -> $\mu \mu$ decays with at least one bottom-tagged jet in its final state. Some parts of the model parameter space become constrained by the existing dimuon-resonance searches by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. However, the requirement of one or two additional bottom-tagged jets in the final state would allow for probing a larger region of the parameter space of the models at the ongoing LHC program.


  • After the Higgs boson discovery [1,2], the major challenge for the LHC is to find new physics beyond the standard model (SM)

  • Some intriguing excesses may hint at the presence of new physics

  • The bottom-fermion fusion (BFF) production of the dimuon final state allows us to rule out a large region of parameter space. For this allowed parameter space, we introduce a simplified search strategy for various mass points searching for Z0 → μμ with at least 1b jet in this subsection

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RKÃ is defined as

BRðBþ →K þ μþ μ− Þ BRðBþ →K þ eþ e− Þ and both show values lower than expected in the SM [7,8]. We will show that when the Z0 boson couples to b quarks, it is possible to use the b’s arising from gluon splitting with a final state consisting of at least one b-jet and two muons. As these diagrams are very similar to vector-boson fusion diagrams, we will name them bottom-fermion fusion (BFF) in the following. We will show that the presence of additional b jets in the dimuon final state can be utilized to probe smaller Z0 masses than the inclusive dimuon searches This strategy can be utilized for any model where Z0 couples to b quarks irrespective of solutions to B anomalies.

Published by the American Physical Society
Since the measurements of RK and RKÃ fix the combination
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