
Phytoplankton production in the Arctic Ocean is increasing due to global warming-induced sea ice loss, which is generally assessed through satellite observations of surface chlorophyll. Here we show that a diatom bloom can occur near the seafloor rather than at the surface in the open Arctic Ocean. Light can reach the seafloor underlying nutrient-rich bottom water after the spring bloom because the surface water becomes oligotrophic and increases transparency in the region of shallow Arctic shelf. Our microcosm experiment demonstrated that diatoms formed a bloom when sediments on the shelf region, which contained abundant viable diatom cells, were exposed to even weak light reaching the seafloor (~1% of the surface irradiance). Repeated shipboard observations in the shelf region suggested that such bottom-associated blooms occurred occasionally and the primary production was significantly underestimated by satellite observations. The average bottom irradiance (2003-2017) in the Arctic Ocean is particularly promoted in summer in the eastern East Siberian Sea and the Foxe Basin, which were ice-covered throughout the year until the 1990s. Our results imply that hidden bottom-associated blooms are now widespread across the shallow Arctic shelf region.

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