
Previously, investigations using single-fluorescent-molecule tracking at frame rates of up to 65Hz, showed that the transmembrane MHC class II protein and its GPI-anchored modified form expressed in CHO cells undergo simple Brownian diffusion, without any influence of actin depolymerization with cytochalasin D. These results are at apparent variance with the view that GPI-anchored proteins stay with cholesterol-enriched raft domains, as well as with the observation that both lipids and transmembrane proteins undergo short-term confined diffusion within a compartment and long-term hop diffusion between compartments. Here, this apparent discrepancy has been resolved by reexamining the same paradigm, by using both high-speed single-particle tracking (50kHz) and single fluorescent-molecule tracking (30Hz). Both molecules exhibited rapid hop diffusion between 40-nm compartments, with an average dwell time of 1–3ms in each compartment. Cytochalasin D hardly affected the hop diffusion, consistent with previous observations, whereas latrunculin A increased the compartment sizes with concomitant decreases of the hop rates, which led to an ∼50% increase in the median macroscopic diffusion coefficient. These results indicate that the actin-based membrane skeleton influences the diffusion of both transmembrane and GPI-anchored proteins.

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