
Continuation of archaeobotanical and palaeoecological research on three semi-artificial lake islands, Nowy Dworek, Chycina and Lubniewice, has provided new information on the history, development and use of grasslands in Ziemia Lubuska (Lubusz land) in western Poland during the early Middle Ages. Pollen analysis reveals that the reduction in woodland and opening up of the regional landscape and the appearance of grassland communities there began around the 7th century ad, which preceded the construction of the islands in the lakes. The analysis of plant macroremains collected from the settlement layers on these islands, of pollen from cores in the lakes and studies of the phytosociological plant communities of recent vegetation have helped to describe the botanical composition of these past meadows and pastures. The results show strong similarities between the three sites, which suggests that the local populations were using the same grassland types, which were on soils ranging from damp to rather dry and sandy. The main grassland in the vicinity of the islands included the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea syntaxonomical class of communities, although Festuco-Brometea grasslands were also present. The presence of plant remains associated with various other types of meadows and pastures shows the diversity of habitats represented by the plant remains.

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