
Bota Biosciences, a start-up with a scheme to engineer enzymes as catalysts for making small molecules, closed a series B financing round totaling $100 million in July. It is one of several firms aiming to engineer enzymes and microorganisms for green manufacturing that received significant funding this year, but Bota can be distinguished from the pack. The company has its eyes on more than enzyme design and fermentation. It has an information technology–enabled process of developing microbial strains and enzymes that can be scaled up to aid the production of food, nutrition products, drugs, and other products. And while many players in the field specialize in early design steps, Bota seeks to follow through to production. Bota’s eyes, CEO Cheryl Cui says, are on the end product. “Instead of just focusing on what’s in the lab, we also try to move as quickly as we can into downstream process development

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