
We perform the path-integral bosonization of the recently proposed noncommutative massive Thirring model (NCMT$_{1}$) [JHEP0503(2005)037]. This model presents two types of current-current interaction terms related to the bi-fundamental representation of the group U(1). Firstly, we address the bosonization of a bi-fundamental free Dirac fermion defined on a noncommutative (NC) Euclidean plane $\IR_{\theta}^{2}$. In this case we show that the fermion system is dual to two copies of the NC Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model. Next, we apply the bosonization prescription to the NCMT$_{1}$ model living on $\IR_{\theta}^{2}$ and show that this model is equivalent to two-copies of the WZNW model and a two-field potential defined for scalar fields corresponding to the global $U(1)\times U(1)$ symmetry plus additional bosonized terms for the four fermion interactions. The bosonic sector resembles to the one proposed by Lechtenfeld et al. [Nucl. Phys. B705(2005)477] as the noncommutative sine-Gordon for a {\sl pair} of scalar fields. The bosonic and fermionic couplings are related by a strong-weak duality. We show that the couplings of the both sectors for some representations satisfy similar relationships up to relevant re-scalings, thus the NC bi-fundamental couplings are two times the corresponding ones of the NC fundamental (anti-fundamental) and eight times the couplings of the ordinary massive Thirring and sine-Gordon models.

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