
Leszek Borysiewicz has reportedly been offered the position of Chief Executive at the UK's Medical Research Council (MRC), to succeed Colin Blakemore. The choice of another accomplished scientist to head the MRC is a welcome signal of the UK's commitment to world-class research. His expertise in translational science provides an opportunity to bring bench investigators and clinicians closer together for the benefit of all. The 2006 Cooksey report recommended a better balance of scientific, health, and economic outcomes from the public's investment in the MRC, through greater emphasis on translational research. In this respect, Borysiewicz is an astute choice. His credentials include developing a vaccine against the human-papilloma virus to prevent cervical cancer, acting as Deputy Rector at Imperial College, London, where he oversees interdisciplinary research, and fulfilling various roles at the MRC. But there is more to the Cooksey Report than application-driven research. Although translational science provides a useful framework, the definition of “bench to bedside” too often implies “test tube to trial”, rather than the equally important, yet often neglected, step of “peer-reviewed publication to patient care”. Cooksey was clear that clinicians are integral to a healthy research culture, since patients expect them to use results from appropriate trials to guide care. Moreover, the Report emphasised the importance of evaluation research to inform practice and reduce the gap between evidence and implementation. Borysiewicz's arrival would come at a crucial time for the MRC, as the organisation lays the groundwork for its second century. To combine the Cooksey Report's recommendations with other responsibilities in the MRC's Royal Charter, especially training and communication, which have been undervalued in recent years, will be a challenge. We hope Borysiewicz can accept this appointment under terms that give him freedom and independence to lead the MRC in the best interests of the public.

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