
Albanian language along with standard and dialectal variants that vivify inside, is the mean of communication for speaking community in a wide geographical area with historical contexts and socio-cultural development of its being thus transformed into a social phenomenon, if we use a definition of Sosyr , but not only. It remains one of the main indicators of ethnicity as a marker of the history and culture of this nation also turning in his identification. Through this community language speakers enables the creation of bridges o communication with the neighboring peoples or not, which arises between an exchange of cultures, ideas, information, achievements etc.. This linguistic relationship is created between languages in contact, creates a passage of words from one language to another is called a loan. This term has already been part of the linguistic terminology, although not return after the note speech borrow. But, let's first look at the meaning of this word by Albanian of Today's Vocabulary: Rent or borrow: money or something else of value given or taken someone for a certain time and back again . With the right question: Should reviewed this term, when some of the borrowings of Albanian itself have become part of its lexical corpus ( without being turned away from the language has taken them) and has the Albanian language the possibility with its dough and tools to create a new term to designate this language process ? This terminological debate should analyze whether it is worth today, in our days, the replacement of the term should remain the same until it is transformed into a international linguistic term. Is an inner need of the Albanian people to change this term, while it has all the possibilities to create neologisms? Here, I think, requires a revision of the term by the linguists, researchers, who can throw it in a nationwide discussion to gather ideas and opinions about this terminology. As a matter of fact the term borrowing was not entirely new : as early as 1921 E.Sapir dedicated a chapter of his book Language to inter-linguistic influence and said that the simplest way a language can influence one another is the borrowing of words. He also mentions cultural borrowing which happens each time a new cultural trend is being introduced into a society, that brings along new loan words . The term borrowing, although having been used for so many years, has in a way being misleading from the semantic point of view and several scholars have noticed that can not speak of borrowing in a strict sense, as it would imply the source language temporarely lending one of its forms to the target language and expect to be returned which of course, is impossible. In spite of the mentioned inadequacy the term has persisted.

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