
The article discusses borrowing issues in pedagogical discourse associated with the emergence of new concepts and terms (anglicisms) in the modern Russian language. Penetration of English words in the third millennium of the 21st century happens due to a number of reasons. Thus, the main one, according to the authors, is strengthening of digitalization caused by transition to online learning in the context of a global pandemic. The article poses the problematic aspect of whether borrowed words are a random element in the modern Russian language or it is a challenge of the time. Constant change in the consciousness of humanity, promoting development of all spheres of life in the new reality, inevitably leads to changes in guidelines in the economy, politics, culture, and education. There is a need to revise the goals and objectives of the education and development of an individual who effectively uses the acquired knowledge in upgrading of all spheres of life. New reality requires new concepts to realize and decode unfamiliar phenomena, which leads to a change in scientific and educational paradigms, the emergence of new trends in education, and adaptation of thinking. Challenges of the present millennium force us to make attempts to find out the feasibility of the changes being made. Thus, the authors of the article analyzed the corpus of borrowed units in the pedagogical discourse of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Anglicisms and their derivatives were identified by a continuous sampling method from oral and written speech of lectures and students, the context of educational materials and educational platforms of the university. Analysis of the borrowings of pedagogical discourse in a given period allows us to identify main mechanism of adaptation of new terms and determine the speed of their penetration.

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