
AbstractAcid, infertile, erosive, barren “orphan” coal minesoils are a regional problem in the eastern coal fields. Learning how to establish permanent forest ecosystems on these minesoils is a goal of reclamation research in Ohio. This greenhouse research tested Newark, Ohio sewage sludge at 70, 160, 250, and 340 Mg ha−1 as treatments to promote growth of American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) seedlings in toxic minesoils. Sycamore seed did germinate and grow in sludge‐amended minesoil, whereas growth was nil in the absence of sewage sludge. Soil pH, available P, exchangeable K and Ca, available Zn and extractable B all increased with sludge addition, but exchangeable Mg, available Mn and CEC declined. Regressions of N, P, K, Ca, Fe, and Cu content of seedlings on rate of sludge addition were significant and positive; a similar regression for manganese was significant and negative. Stress symptoms appearing on lower leaves of sycamore seedlings grown in sludge‐minesoil mixtures matched boron toxicity symptoms of sycamore produced in solution cultures containing 2 or 4 mg kg−1 of B and in mixtures of glass fiber insulation, a component of the sludge, with peat and vermiculite.

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