
This research evaluates the modification of the lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) production process and particularly the boron removal step, which currently employs a recirculated stream. This recirculated stream is a liquor with low boron content but rich in lithium, currently being wasted. In this process, the recirculating stream is substituted with a freshwater stream. Boron is re-extracted from the loaded organic stream to form an input stream for a boric acid process. Under certain operational conditions, the formation of emulsions was observed; due to this, the analysis of emulsion formation involved controlling the pH of each sample, which lead to the development of a procedure to prevent such formations. From this analysis, it was determined that emulsions form in water with pH values below 1.3 and above 6.9. In addition, a speciation analysis showed that the concentrations of the H2BO3− and H+ species influence the formation of emulsions. The mass balance of the process showed that by replacing the recirculated stream, boron recovery of 89% was achieved, without the need to add new stages or equipment.

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