
In the wealth and development of a country, mining activities have great significance. They contribute the most added value to the economy of a country. Developed countries owe much of their prosperity to their mineral resources and utilizing them efficiently. Turkey has substantial mineral reserves such as boron, marble, trona, chromium and some other industrial raw materials which make the country rich in terms of mining resources. Turkey holds approximately a 72% share of the total boron deposits of the world at 803 million tonnes. Eti Holding, being the most important producer, possesses 31% of total world production on a B2O3 basis. These boron reserves are high in tenor and quality. Also, 60% of the boron reserves is sufficient to supply 250–500 years of the world's boron consumption. The most important boron minerals that Turkey owns are tincal, colemanite, and ulexite. Turkey is the second highest producer of boron after the USA. Eight percent of its boron minerals is used domestically, and 92% is exported. With regard to the situation in the USA, the pattern is the opposite. While 60–65% of boron reserves are used indigenously, the rest of the reserves are exported. Turkey's total income from boron export was 192 million US$ in 2002 and was 213 million US$ in 2003. Turkey targets 254 million US$ income for the year 2004, and 295 million US$ for the year 2005.

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