
We propose a new non-perturbative method for studying UV complete unitary quantum field theories (QFTs) with a mass gap in general number of spacetime dimensions. The method relies on unitarity formulated as positive semi-definiteness of the matrix of inner products between asymptotic states (in and out) and states created by the action of local operators on the vacuum. The corresponding matrix elements involve scattering amplitudes, form factors and spectral densities of local operators. We test this method in two-dimensional QFTs by setting up a linear optimization problem that gives a lower bound on the central charge of the UV CFT associated to a QFT with a given mass spectrum of stable particles (and couplings between them). Some of our numerical bounds are saturated by known form factors in integrable theories like the sine-Gordon, E8 and O(N) models.


  • One can define a quantum field theory (QFT) non-perturbatively as a renormalization group (RG) flow from the UV to the IR fixed point

  • The corresponding matrix elements involve scattering amplitudes, form factors and spectral densities of local operators. We test this method in two-dimensional QFTs by setting up a linear optimization problem that gives a lower bound on the central charge of the UV conformal field theories (CFTs) associated to a QFT with a given mass spectrum of stable particles

  • In this paper we have extended the S-matrix bootstrap program to include states created by local operators

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One can define a quantum field theory (QFT) non-perturbatively as a renormalization group (RG) flow from the UV to the IR fixed point. In these cases, one has to resort to numerical methods (like lattice field theory, Hamiltonian truncation, tensor networks, etc) that require a UV cutoff and a costly extrapolation to the continuum limit. We can write the central charge c of the UV CFT as an integral over the spectral density of the trace of the stress tensor This allows to address the following question: what is the minimal central charge of a UV CFT that can give rise to a massive QFT with a given set of masses and couplings of stable particles?. We derive various auxiliary results in appendices A, B and C

Review of basic ingredients
Free particle states
Asymptotic states
Scattering and partial amplitudes
Spectral density
Form factors
Unitarity constraints
Appearance of poles
Watson’s equation
Stress-energy tensor
Unitarity as positive semidefiniteness
General spacetime dimension
Special case of 2d
Analytic examples in 2d
E8 model
Non-linear sigma model
Numerical bootstrap in 2d
Setting up the optimization problem
Numerical results
One pole
Three poles
A Definitions and auxiliary results
B Kallen-Lehmann representation in Euclidean signature
C Free scalar theory
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