
Bootstrap percolation is a type of cellular automaton which has been used to model various physical phenomena, such as ferromagnetism. For each natural number $r$, the $r$-neighbour bootstrap process is an update rule for vertices of a graph in one of two states: `infected' or `healthy'. In consecutive rounds, each healthy vertex with at least $r$ infected neighbours becomes itself infected. Percolation is said to occur if every vertex is eventually infected. Usually, the starting set of infected vertices is chosen at random, with all vertices initially infected independently with probability $p$. In that case, given a graph $G$ and infection threshold $r$, a quantity of interest is the critical probability, $p_c(G,r)$, at which percolation becomes likely to occur. In this paper, we look at infinite trees and, answering a problem posed by Balogh, Peres and Pete, we show that for any $b \geq r$ and for any $\epsilon > 0$ there exists a tree $T$ with branching number $\operatorname{br}(T) = b$ and critical probability $p_c(T,r) 0$ such that if $T$ is a Galton- Watson tree with branching number $\operatorname{br}(T) = b \geq r$ then $$p_c(T,r) > \frac{c_r}{b} e^{-\frac{b}{r-1}}.$$ We also show that this bound is sharp up to a factor of $O(b)$ by giving an explicit family of Galton--Watson trees with critical probability bounded from above by $C_r e^{-\frac{b}{r-1}}$ for some constant $C_r>0$.


  • Introduction and resultsBootstrap percolation, introduced by Chalupa, Leath and Reich [7] in 1979, is one of the simplest examples of cellular automata

  • For an infinite tree T, the critical probability for r-neighbour bootstrap percolation, denoted pc(T, r), is defined as pc(T, r) = inf{p | Pp(T percolates in r-neighbour bootstrap percolation) > 0}. Note that this definition of pc(T, r) is different from that given in (1.1). This modification is motivated by the fact that for a general infinite tree the exact probability of percolation could be highly affected by a finite number of small, yet difficult to infect from the outside, subtrees

  • There, we prove the following theorem which, apart from a sharp lower bound on pc(Tξ, 2) based on the second moment of ξ, gives additional lower bounds on the critical probability in 2-neighbour bootstrap percolation, as well as a sharp upper bound on pc(Tξ, 2) based on the second negative moment of ξ

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Introduction and results

Bootstrap percolation, introduced by Chalupa, Leath and Reich [7] in 1979, is one of the simplest examples of cellular automata. Note that this definition of pc(T, r) is different from that given in (1.1) This modification is motivated by the fact that for a general infinite tree the exact probability of percolation could be highly affected by a finite number of small, yet difficult to infect from the outside, subtrees. With a simple example of a Galton–Watson tree it was shown in [4] that for b ≥ r a (b + 1)-regular tree does not, in general, minimize the critical probability for r-neighbour bootstrap percolation among all trees with branching number b. One might expect that good control over the moments of an offspring distribution would lead to tighter bounds on the critical probability

Trees with arbitrarily small critical probability
Shifted Poisson
Final remarks and open problems
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