
Ambient noise in the test environment will impact signal detection during hearing threshold measurements due to psychoacoustic masking effects. Technical standards specify the maximum permissible ambient noise levels (MPANLs) for use during audiometric testing. MPANLs are dependent on several factors, including transducer characteristics (supra-aural, circumaural, type of ear cushions or earphone enclosures, and insert earphones), the nature of the hearing test being performed (air conduction vs bone conduction and threshold test vs screen at a suprathreshold level), and measurement instrumentation. The nature of the ambient noise (spectrum and constant vs variable) at the test site must be determined and continually accounted for during the boothless hearing test procedure. Ambient noise monitoring procedures are reviewed and examples of ambient noise characteristics in real-world settings, where hearing testing might be performed outside of a sound-treated environment, are provided. Practical considerations are presented, including examples of available tools for ambient noise monitoring, selection of test locations, and transducer attenuation. These are discussed in the context of calculating MPANLs and how best to ensure that ambient noise levels are not negatively impacting the validity of hearing thresholds.

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