
Time delays play a significant role in dynamical systems, as they affect their transient behavior and the dimensionality of their attractors. The number, values, and spacing of these time delays influences the eigenvalues of a nonlinear delay-differential system at its fixed point. Here we explore a multidelay system as the core computational element of a reservoir computer making predictions on its input in the usual regime close to fixed point instability. Variations in the number and separation of time delays are first examined to determine the effect of such parameters of the delay distribution on the effectiveness of time-delay reservoirs for nonlinear time series prediction. We demonstrate computationally that an optoelectronic device with multiple different delays can improve the mapping of scalar input into higher-dimensional dynamics, and thus its memory and prediction capabilities for input time series generated by low- and high-dimensional dynamical systems. In particular, this enhances the suitability of such reservoir computers for predicting input data with temporal correlations. Additionally, we highlight the pronounced harmful resonance condition for reservoir computing when using an electro-optic oscillator model with multiple delays. We illustrate that the resonance point may shift depending on the task at hand, such as cross prediction or multistep ahead prediction, in both single delay and multiple delay cases.

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