
ABSTRACT People often express high confidence for misremembered sources. Starns and Ksander ([2016]. Item strength influences source confidence and alters source memory zROC slopes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42(3), 351-365; hereafter SK16) found that this happens more often when a person is highly confident in memory for the item itself, and that simply increasing item memory can increase high-confidence source errors. Under the decision heuristic account, this pattern emerges because strong item memories contaminate source judgments by promoting high confidence responses even when source evidence is relatively weak. Consequently, strengthening item memory is predicted to increase confidence for both correct and incorrect source responses; however, SK16 could not assess this key prediction because their item-strength manipulation also impaired source memory. We report two experiments with new item-strengthening manipulations designed to minimise source memory impairments. Results replicated the evidence for the decision heuristic account reported by SK16 and provided additional support by showing a boost in source confidence for both correct and error responses when item memory was strengthened without accompanying source impairments .

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