
This study investigates the dynamics of boomerang solitons and their interactions in three-mode fiber under the influence of inhomogeneous effects governed by three-coupled nonlinear Schrödinger (3-CNLS) equations in GVD and nonlinearity coefficients. Also, 3-CNLS equation can be used to investigate the optical soliton propagation in three-core fibers, which contain some potential applications in the optical fiber communication system. Using the Darboux transformation method with computer simulation, the two-bright boomerang soliton solutions are attained analytically for the dispersion and nonlinearity functions. The propagation and interaction properties of boomerang solitons are investigated, while the variable coefficients are adopted as linear functions. Various interaction scenarios are illustrated by plotted figures to reveal the importance of obtained soliton solutions. The physical significance of boomerang solitons can be understood from the displayed figures. The obtained results will be benefit soliton path control and soliton phase management in an inhomogeneous three-core optical fiber.

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