
Debra Greschner reviews So You Want to Sing Cabaret: A Guide for Performers by David Sabella and Sue Matsuki (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020) as a volume that offers an overview of cabaret and a multitude of interviews with noteworthy professionals in the field. Guest reviewer Abigail Dueppen characterizes Queering Vocal Pedagogy by William Sauerland (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2022) as a useful guide for creating inclusive voice studios. Guest reviewer Abigayle Ferguson recommends The Tongue as a Gateway to Voice, Resonance, Style, and Intelligibility by Angelika Nair (San Diego: Plural Publishing, 2021) as a comprehensive and effective guide to understanding the role of the tongue in singing and speaking.

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